Visual Effects 2 Blog
During the month of August I had a class called Visual Effects 2. During it I learned how to use software called Houdini. Houdini is a 3D animation, modeling and effects software. In this class I learned how to setup pyro sim , water sim and water sim with viscous. Later in the month of August we were givien different exercises in Houdini. One of the projects that I needed to do was a research project that demonstrates how to use the pyro in Houdiniand and to make a fire. So I desided that I am going to make a explosion for the project. Some of issues that I had with the project. Were the division sizes for the explosion. I also had to increase the smoke density and amplitude for it. Once I figure that out, I was able to complete the project, which you can see the diffent verisons of it down below.
The first sim explosion
The secound sim explosion
Third sim explosion