Houdini Rigid Body Marble Machine
During the month of July I had a class called Software Technology. During it I learned how to use software called Houdini. Houdini is a 3D animation, modeling and effects software. In this class I learned how to setup rigid body and how to model in it and how to set a workflow in it. Later in the month of July we were givien different exercises in Houdini. One of the projects that I needed to do was a research project that demonstrates how to use the rigged body in Houdini. One of the choices for the project was to make a Marble Machine. I created it over this past week. I had to setup my project in Houdini. Next, I modeled almost all the parts in Maya, but not the ground or the spheres. I then made the top sphere in Houdini and for the bottom ones I ended up using a curve node and and copy node to make them. One of the main issues I had with this project was the rigid body collision. I kept having issues where the ball would not go through the funnels and would not stay on the ramps. I found that I had to use the terrain rigid body on them. The terrain rigid body had fixed the issues that I was having with it. Once I figure that out, I was able to complete the project, which you can see the final verison down below.
The Final setup for the project.
Some of the issuses I had to deal with were setting up the rigied body for the parts I modeled in maya. Also making sure that the rigid body collision works on the objects.
The Final outcome of the project render out as a video.